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Two days at Sandy Island after clearing into Grenada

Capt Linda

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

Clearing out of one country always involves a subsequent clearing in to another. Today we needed to clear into the country of Grenada, and we did so in the town of Hillsborough on the beautiful island of Carriacou, just north of the island of Grenada. We didn't get much of a chance to explore Carriacou because we were excited to get to Sandy Island, just a few miles west, where we planned to spend two days. So, we quickly restocked with important provisions like wine and cheese and headed back to our dinghy.

Raising the Grenada flag

Carriacou Tourism Office

We came back to the dinghy dock and noticed our big boat was a little (a lot?) south of where we had left it at anchor. Unexpectedly our anchor had dragged at least 100 yards while we were gone! Not only dragged, but dragged and got entangled in fishing nets and pots and stuff that were tethered close to the shore. Thank goodness those fishing nets were there to stop us! No telling how far or into what we could've drifted while we were gone.

We climbed from the dinghy into our boat and just before John put the engines in forward, I screamed "Wait!! We need to make sure our props are clear before we put the engine in forward." I dove down with a knife and cut away the fishing gear, feeling really guilty that I had to mess with a local's livelihood because we didn't anchor correctly.

Heads hung low, we headed over to Sandy Island. Luckily mooring balls were available because we were feeling a little unsure about our anchoring skills.

We spent the next two day, snorkeling, swimming, eating, reading, and relaxing. Does it get any better?


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